Patterns for Putzes

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Slip-Stitch Dishcloth

This is great for using up odd bits of cotton yarn as it is knit in stripes. I used a solid Sugar n' Cream (mauve) and a variegated (mauve, blue and cream) Sugar n' Cream and the results were quite ravishing IMHO, but one could easily make it in more colors than 2. It has great texture on both sides and should make a good dish or wash (face) cloth. The pattern is the 2 Color Loop pattern from Harmony Guide to 440 More Knitting Stitches (page 74).

Pattern: Cast on 43 stitches using US size 8 needles.
Note: All slip sts should be slipped purlwise.

First row: (right) Using color A knit.
2nd row: Using A purl.
3rd row: Using B k1, *sl1, k1; repeat from * to end.
4th row: As 3rd row.
5th row: Using B knit.
6th row: Using B purl.
7th row: Using A k2, sl1, *k1, sl1; rep from * to last 2 sts, k2.
8th row: Using A p1, k1, *sl1, k1; rep from * to last st, p1.

Repeat these 8 rows until desired length is reached (I did 8 pattern repeats) then repeat row 1 and 2 and bind off. Do not cut yarn.

To neaten up selvage edges, single crochet with a size H crochet hook down the selvage on one side. Fasten off. Then join yarn at other selvage, and single crochet that side too. This turned out a bit wavy, but I couldn't think of a better way to cover the rather yucky edges otherwise.


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